
奉Palm籲, 超頻沒保養

LAS VEGAS - JANUARY 08:  A new Palm Pre smartp...

Image by Getty Images via Daylife

近期有網站討論如何為Palm Pre 超頻,超頻至700MHz或更高的800MHz. Palm官方發表新聞稿,表示使用第三方提供的軟件超頻導致損壞的Palm,將不受保養範圍之內。
坦白說,玩得超頻, 對於Palm的官方新聞稿。都只是充耳不聞。即使Palm超頻受損,表面損傷難以查證。


"Palm忠告用家,超頻會危害Palm Pre. "


“We have had a number of questions about the recently released “overclocking” patches and what Palm’s position on them are.

Palm is working hard to improve the speed and performance of webOS, as shown in our recent 1.4 update. While we appreciate the effort the webOS community has put forth to try and help us along that path, the use of this application is neither endorsed nor recommended by Palm and will likely result in a voided warranty. Palm encourages webOS users to let Palm release official updates that provide safe, reliable, over-the-air features that improve their device in a number of areas, as we have in the past at a rate of approximately once per month.”



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